Routes and Times
For more information about departures and arrivals times, you can browse the timetables below.
Did you know?
Choose a Product
Check out our routes and choose the best product to suit your needs - weekly/monthly travel for work, terms packages for students or go as you please packages. The Transport Information Centre’s friendly operators are also available 24 hours a day if you need further information on routes and prices. Call 0800 656463
Buy a Gold Card
The card costs just R35 once-off and can be purchased at a ticket kiosk near you. View sales points.
Ask for your specific product to be loaded on the Gold Card. You can load up to three different products per card.
Tap and Go
After you've loaded your product, put your receipt in a safe place and you're good to go. Once you've spotted your bus just hop on board and tap your card. It really is that easy. Your slip will help you keep track of how many rides you have left so you know when to top up again.
Register your Card
If your card is ever lost, don't stress, we can help you out. As soon as you have your Gold Card, save your card number in a safe place and then go here to register your card. It only takes a few seconds and by registering we'll be able to block your card and transfer your rides onto a new card if necessary.
When it's time to top up all you need to do is visit your nearest sales point and present your Gold Card. Request the product of your choice and make payment. Remember to check your receipt to make sure the correct product is loaded. Do not throw your Gold Card away.
Golden Arrow Gold Cards
Your GABS Gold Card is your ticket to travel freedom at a great price.
All pre-paid products (such as weekly and monthly products) are heavily discounted and are valid for up to 90 days depending on which product you opt for. You can load up to three different products per card. The card costs R35 once-off, has no expiry date and can be obtained from the same points at which clipcards were previously purchased.
Dont forget to register your card so that we can assist if it gets lost.
For more information or to register your card, follow the links below.
Something for Everyone
Our weekly and monthly products are perfect for passengers who travel to work and home regularly. Weekly 10-ride products are valid for 30 days and monthly 48-ride products for 90 days - so you have plenty of time to use up your all your rides. These products are route specific so check out our timetables to make sure you pick the right product.
Special termly products are available for scholars. There are route exclusions so make sure to call 0800 656463 to ensure that you are purchasing the correct product. Scholars must be in full uniform when using their termly product. If your child is known for losing things, we've got you covered! Just register the GABS Gold Card and we'll be able to transfer the termly product onto a new card for you if anything goes wrong.
As a pensioner you have different needs now that you aren't working. We've designed our pensioners product with these specific needs in mind. Pensioner products are valid from 08:00 until 16:00 Monday to Fridays and all day on weekends and public holidays. You must be 60 years or older to qualify and in possession of a special pensioners pass. To get your pass please call 021 466 7000.
Go as you Please
If you need travel flexibility our Go Card and Go Card Plus is the product for you. With this product you can be in Wynberg on a Wednesday and Durbanville on a Friday. The Go Card allows you to travel to most destinations as long as it one unbroken journey. The Go Card Plus includes a transfer for each ride if you need two buses to get to where you want to be. Atlantis routes are excluded so please do call 0800 656364 to find out more about exclusions
Customer Support, Complaints & Compliments
Let us know about your experiences
Running a scheduled bus services on over 1300 unique routes, using more than 1000 buses is no easy task. Add traffic, roadworks and all kinds of other unforeseen circumstances to that and it becomes even trickier. Despite these challenges, Golden Arrow Bus Services wants to offer you the best service possible

If you have a fantastic driver or have been helped by one of our employees in a way that impressed you, please do share that info with us. Have a questions? Try finding the answer in our FAQ section instead
If you are unhappy about any aspect of our service please let us know and we will investigate your complaint thoroughly and get back to you as soon as possible.
We need certain information in order to investigate:
Approximate time and location of incident;
The unique bus number (visible both inside and outside each bus); and
The route bus was travelling.
The Golden Arrow Way
Everything we do is guided by set of six principles. We call this the "Golden Arrow Way" and its what truly sets us apart.
Service Quality
Developing Talent
230 000
Travelers per Day