Contact Us
There are a number of ways to get in touch with us:
For feedback and enquiries you can call our toll free number or email us for general information about routes and services.
Transport Info Centre
Toll-free 0800 65 64 63
General information
For Charter Hire Queries
Timetable Queries
Fare Queries
if you are unhappy about any aspect of our service please let us know by lodging a complaint or emailing us. We will investigate your complaint thoroughly and get back to you as soon as possible.
We need certain information in order to investigate:
Approximate time and location of incident,
the unique bus number (visible both inside and outside each bus) and
the route the bus was travelling
Want us to get back to you?
Please fill in the form below
Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk(*)
Full name
E-mail *
Message *
Head Office:
103 Bofors Circle, Epping Industria PO Box 1795, Cape Town, 8000
Tel: (021) 507 8800
Operational Centre:
Arrowgate Depot, Pallotti Road, Montana Estate
Tel:(021) 937 8800